Top Trusted Websites For Free Royalty And Copyright Images

Are you being tired of searching free copyright or free royalty images for your website or can't you able to recognise whether it's copyrighted or non copyrighted images?

Here you have all your answers......

What is copyrighted images?

Whether its a text or photo or any other graphics contents made by yourself then you are the copyright holder of that contents that which nobody can use your contents without your permission.
If anyone is trying to infringe your contents then you have the right to claim for it.

Google adsense against copyright images

Google Adsense has many rules and policies which can able to protect every individual bloggers from infringers.

If you read their terms and conditions then you might have noticed that google AdSense will not bear it if you are using someone else's contents for your blog or if they claim with proof  that it belongs to them,that's it your blog will be take down by the resultant you cannot able to revive it and also if the case has reached into court then you should be ready to pay millions for the make sure you don't do all these things.

So far we discussed about the after effect of copyright contents claim.
But you don't need to worry about it BECAUSE there are so many websites providing free copyright and free royalty images for your blog.

We have mentioned
The top 20 famous websites provide free copyright and royalty images for commercial purpose.

Read their conditions before using their images for your blog

1) you can copy,distribute,modify and use images even for commercial purpose,all without asking for permission or giving credit to the photographer.
(you don't have to pay for the photographer or company.its free to upload in blogs,YouTube,Facebook,etc)

2) identifiable persons images should not be used for pornographic,unlawful or other immoral purpose,it can give bad name to those people.
(identifiable persons may not appear in a bad light or in a way that they may find offensive unless they give their consent)

3) We are not asking a written model release for each images or videos that shows identifiable people, so that we cannot guarantee that you will be able to use the content for any purpose you like.use common sense as always.

*License under creative common CC0.
*HQ photos and videos
*free for personal and commercial use
*no attribution required


Pexels currently have over 30000 free stock photos.all photos are hand picked from our photos uploaded by our users or sourced from free image websites.we make sure all published pictures are high quality and licenced under CCO.we constantly try to deliver as many high quality free stock photos

*License under creative common CC0.
*HQ photos
*free for personal and commercial use
*no attribution required
*you can separately edit the width and      height as you want.


*License under creative common CC0.
*HQ photos
*free for personal and commercial use
*no attribution required


Stocksnap select highest quality and resolution photos and add them to data base on a daily basis.
All photos uploaded yo the site are released under creative commons(CCO) and do not require can be used for personal and commercial use.
Our Long term vision is to create an amazing community of photographers that want to share their work with the world

*License under creative common CC0.
*HQ photos
*free for personal and commercial use
*no attribution required


High quality free photos in one place.we hunt best free images from many one sources and pull them a together in one spot.
Most of the photos are under creative common CCO licence.additionally we offer all creative common and public domain photos from sources like flickr and make it possible to embed them directly from visualhunt website

*License under creative common CC0.
*HQ photos
*free for personal and commercial use
*no attribution required


Free high resolution photos you can use on your person and commercial on an image to download the high resolution awesome photos added weekly.all pictures were photographed by Ryan McGuire and free of copyright restriction

*License under creative common CC0.
*HQ photos
*free for personal and commercial use

List of another 15 creative common CC0 websites


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