Can we use amazon products images for affiliate marketing?

Majority of the people are confused about using images of products in amazon.
there any copyright issue downloading amazon products images and linking images with affiliate links for advertising?

There is no problem with that.they don't claim these images are owned by them cause their main aim is to get the products sold out not to engaged in violation with associates.
You can download all products images to show and advertise at your best.
But "They strongly prohibit using amazon logo"

Look what they are saying
Question:- I want to download images of products to do the affiliate marketing so please be informed is there any copyright issue regarding downloading and using the image for my amazon affiliate marketing?

Email reply:-from amazon
You can download products images of the item available on and also use it for advertising
You can also directly linking the products through affiliate links on your blog/website.
However we recommend you to please avoid using Amazon logo which is not permitted and it comes under compliance issue when log is used from your end.
There is absolutely no violation for using product images and you may proceed to use them

Prohibition is using their logo for your own site so associates please be make sure that you won't do that.share the link through mobile app and websites. However associates don't earn money when visitors click the link which you will only earn revenue when people buy it though your link.
That's it.share this post maximum to help other who runs affiliate marketing.


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